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Beginning June 1 Inlet Yoga will have a Monthly Theme for which teachers will design their classes around..

This month is : Yoga and the Cycles of Nature.

I am excited for the offerings of our skilled teachers and how we begin to tie our insights together with a strand or theme. Practicing Yoga brings us much closer too and more in tune with not only our own rhythms and cycles but also those of nature. By honoring and attuning to nature’s cycles we can not only live in greater harmony but also take advantage of the extra energies available to us during certain times.

The Tantric and Ayurvedic approaches to life both emphasize the desirability of aligning your life to the natural cycles of day and night, seasons, weather, climate and so on. When you can live according to the flow of nature’s cycles, you attune yourself to these powerful rhythms. Our environment has a profound influence upon us, more than most of us realize.
I look forward to taking Inlet Yoga’s classes this coming month now that Summer is here and Bird (Joan) care is more available.

This is an invitation to nurture our creative insights, stoke the fires of inspiration and support for one another. It is also an invitation to find buoyancy in practice.

Ideas we may begin to see appear in classes.

  • The times of day acknowledged we practice not just the time of year.  
  • Seasonally what shapes nourish our bodies and serve to sustain our practice, as the weather heats up backbends may feel more suitable, too hot? forward bends may be more cooling. Perhaps we can acknowledge the Yin and the Yang of the summer season. 
  • Or we could be pondering how the heart is guided by the Clock time in the West (to get up time, to go to work time to go to sleep time, to eat time). In the East I feel a different perspective of time. In Hindi there is not word for yesterday or tomorrow… imagine… What happens when the heart is guided by its divine rhythm of nature or follow Ayurvedic timing of the day (2-6 vata, 6-10 kapha, 10-2 pita) Let us too acknowledge that traditionally Yogis practiced in accord with the cycles of nature and the moon. The summer solstice is June 21st.

Perhaps this is something you will see acknowledged in class or perhaps the teacher will wrap words around the lengthening of days or music that speaks to the season’s element.

  • Books: David Frawley: Yoga and Ayurveda
  • Vasant Lad: Healing Through Ayurveda
  • Elias Haas: Staying Healthy with the Seasons
  • Mary Oliver: all her Poetry is a rebirth closer the the divine of nature
  • Share what you are reading- I am always thirsty for new perspective.

all my love and gratitude,
Jennifer Vafakos

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