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I want you to feel good. Most of us at a certain point in life realize that the aging process has us on the hook. I have pain if I don’t move. In fact, I can have a lot of it. I have resisted surgery and opted for the methods that take dedication and practice […]

Tips to ease low back crankiness OFF your yoga mat with Allison Kane

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I’m back with a few more tips to share! I’ve been practicing yoga for 30 years and I’ve dealt with chronic low back pain for 20 years.  As a yoga teacher and movement instructor, I chose to get smart about my body’s idiosyncrasies.  I’ve already shared a few blogs on how to deal with low […]

Quick Tips to Ease Low Back Pain During Your Yoga Practice by Allison Kane

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My constant mantra is: Know your body, listen to your body, communicate back and forth with yourself.  If you are tight, add mobility practices, if you are flexy add strengthening practices.  Too much of any one thing is not a good thing! Come to one of my classes or workshops, I always share movement information and how to modify a practice! Stay tuned for my next blog post which will have more hacks for low back crankiness off your yoga mat!