We’re excited to announce our newly redesigned 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training for fall 2016. It’s filled with some familiar faces from Inlet Yoga Studio, and some of the most seasoned professional names in the NY and NJ area. Utilizing our senior staff, their knowledge, and passions to create an experience for the student, in which they are the center. Meaning our teacher training grads will graduate with an amazing container of knowledge but utilize their individual voices and styles in their future teaching endeavors.
The student will get the experience of practice teaching, working with a mentor, learning the diverse aspects of interacting with the students and so much more as you can see from the below:
- Asana & Alignment
- Sequencing and queing
- Yoga Anatomy
- Hands-on Assists
- Meditation Pranayama/ Breathwork techniques
- Philosophy,
- Yoga Sutras
- Bhakti Yoga (Devotional)
- Restorative and Yin
- Ayurveda
- Sanskrit
- Chakras
- Mantra and mudras
- Business of Yoga
- Pre/ Post natal
In just four (4) months, the student will be able to register at the 200 hr level with Yoga Alliance giving them one of the highest levels of yoga industry credentialing in the world to teach yoga.
Check out our sister 200 Hour Inlet Yoga Teacher Training Website here for more information.